On this episode of Yale Divinity School's Leader's Way Podcast, CHI director Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell discusses the differences in behaviors between flourishing and burnt-out clergy and shares practical strategies that can make a real impact.
Ministering to Ministers - Clergy Health Initiative helps pastors find strength amid stress
Clergy Learn Ways to Tackle Stress. A Duke project is teaching stress reduction techniques to help North Carolina ministers cope with the demands of their calling.
Religious leaders struggle with burnout, depression and anxiety — just like the rest of America. Between dealing with the frustrations inherent to the job, the pandemic and political polarization, pastors are suffering from burnout. And some are calling it quits.
Study shows high level of depression among religious leaders
Clergy At Higher Risk Of Depression And Anxiety, Study Finds. It's Not Easy Being God's Instrument on Earth
Self-care is not self-ish. Caught up in the day-to-day demands of ministry, clergy often find it difficult to take time to attend to their health. But in North Carolina, UMC clergy are learning that it’s more than OK to care for themselves.
Study: Pastors’ concerns for others may harm their own health. (RNS) Studies of United Methodist pastors found high rates of chronic disease and depression, and researchers worry it can be difficult to convince clergy -- who tend to care for others first -- to seek help.
Myths about Clergy Burnout and Managing Stress
Stress in the clergy: Today's ministers expected to do too much?
Soul Care and the Roots of Clergy Burnout. Clergy burnout and poor health are symptoms of a far deeper "dis-ease" of soul that has plagued clergy for nearly 100 years. Addressing the symptoms of burnout does not get to the root of this serious matter.
Clergy being urged to take vacations, sabbaticals for much-needed respite
Clergy Members Suffer From Burnout, Poor Health. Priests, ministers, rabbis and imams are generally driven by a sense of duty to answer calls for help. But research shows that in many cases, they rarely find time for themselves. Members of the clergy suffer from higher rates of depression, obesity and high blood pressure, and many are burning out.
No Rest For The Holy: Clergy Burnout A Growing Concern
Taking a Break From the Lord’s Work
Is Your Congregation a Clergy Killer? How Churchgoers Matter to Mental Health of Pastors. Clergy who serve flocks that support them in their times of need and let their pastors know how much they mean to them are much more likely to be satisfied in their ministry and have a higher quality of life, according to a new study.
It might be time to give your spiritual leader a hug
Research Director Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell quoted in The Washington Post - A pastor confessed to his church he was tired, and he planned a break. Then, the coronavirus hit D.C.