The video series is designed to be used along with the participant workbook. Each weekly session is designed to last 75-90 minutes.
Features theologically-framed commentary by the Rev. Ed Moore, a retired United Methodist pastor and former district superintendent. Each session also includes perspectives from United Methodist clergy and SPRC members, offering rich insights into how the ideas presented in the series take shape in the local church.
Session 1: Baptism
Have you ever thought about your presence on the SPRC as a ministry? This session encourages committee members to understand their work as a response to their baptism and to approach their responsibilities to the pastor and the congregation with care and respect.
Session 2: Discipleship
We will explore the nature of Christian discipleship and the ways in which SPRCs can partner with their pastor to fulfill the larger mission of the United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Session 3: Sacred Bundle
Each church has its own traditions, taboos, symbols and artifacts that constitute local church culture. But unless they are named, they remain hidden to a new pastor. We’ll discuss the SPRC’s role as narrator or interpreter of your church’s unique character.
Session 4: Truthful Naming
We will explore tools that will equip your committee to deal responsibly with conflict arising in your congregation and “speak the truth in love.”
Session 5: Stewardship of the Pastor
How does your congregation care for its pastor? It’s a demanding role, filled with obligations to the congregation, the community, and the larger United Methodist connection. We’ll explore ways that the SPRC can foster a supportive environment that promotes the well-being of the pastor and his or her family, and consequently, the health of the church.
Session 6: Covenant for Ministry
In its final gathering, your committee will discuss ideas from previous sessions that you would like to see reflected in your work as a committee. You will begin the process of constructing a covenant (or amending an existing one) that reflects the journey you will have taken during this study. This document is specific to your parish setting, designed to complement other assessment tools that your committee may use.