Publications List: 2018-Present

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Eagle, D., Holleman, A., Barrera Olvera B., and Blackwood, E. (2024). Prevalence of obesity in religious clergy in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 

Holleman, A., Upenieks, L., and Eagle, D. (2023). Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Seminarians: Personal Experiences of Trauma and Implications for Pastoral Well-Being and Ministerial Training. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 0(0).

Johnston, E.F., Holleman, A., and Krull, L. (2023). "There's theology and then there's the people I love...": Authority and Ambivalence in Seminarians’ Attitudes Towards Same-Sex Relationships, Marriage, and Ordination." Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review.

Holleman, A. (2023). "Programming Provided by Religious Congregations in the United States to Address Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder." Journal of Religion & Health

Yao, J., Steinberg D., Turner E.L., Cai, G.Y., Cameron J.R., Hybels C.F., Eagle, D.E., Milstein G., Rash J., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2024). “When shepherds shed: Trajectories of weight, diet and exercise in a holistic health intervention tailored for US Christian clergy.” Journal of Religion and Health, 63(3), 1849-1866.

Johnston, E.F., Eagle, D.E., Headley, J. (2023). “Pastoring in a Pandemic: Sources and Types of Social Support Used by United Methodist Clergy in the Early Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Eagle, D.E., Tice, L.C., Yao, J., Rash, J.A., Choi, J.C., Stringfield, B., Labrecque, S.A. (2023). “The Selah Pilot Study of Spiritual, Mindfulness, and Stress Inoculation Practices on Stress Related Outcomes Among United Methodist Clergy in the United States.” Journal of Religion and Health.

Holleman, A.H. and Eagle, D.E. (2023) “Is There a Crisis in Clergy Health? Reorienting Research Using a National Sample.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Upenieks, L. and Eagle, D.E. (2023) “Divine Struggles Among Those Doing God’s Work: A Longitudinal Assessment Predicting Depression and Burnout and the Role of Social Support in United Methodist Clergy.” Sociology of Religion.

Eagle, D.E., Gaghan, J., and Johnston, E.F. (2023). “Introducing the Seminary to Early Ministry Study.” Religious Education.

Gaghan, J. and Eagle, D.E. (2023) “Are Women Elders Paid Less than Men? A Brief Report from the North Carolina Statewide Longitudinal Survey of United Methodist Clergy.” Review of Religious Research, 64:1005–1006. 

Henderson, A., McCabe, B.E., Holleman, A., Gonzalez-Guarda, R.M., and Stafford, A.M. (2023). “Racial Identity and Health Outcomes in an Emerging Latinx Immigrant Community.” Race and Social Problems

Holleman, A. (2023). “Programming Provided by Congregations in the United States to Address Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder.” Journal of Religion and Health. 

Holleman, A. and Chaves, M. (2023). “Clergy Views on the Etiology and Treatment of Depression: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample.” JAMA Psychiatry, 80(3):270-273.

Holleman, A. (2023). “The Resilience of Clergywomen?: Gender and the Relationship Between Occupational Distress and Mental Health Among Congregational Leaders.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 62(1):89-107.

Biru, B., Yao, J., Plunkett, J., Hybels, C.F., Kim, E. T., Eagle, D.E., Choi, J., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2022). “The gap in mental health service utilization among United Methodist clergy with anxiety and depressive symptoms.” Journal of Religion and Health. 

Johnston, E.F. and Eagle, D.E. (2022). “Expanding the Horizontal Call: A Typology of Social Influences on the Call to Ministry.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 62:68–88. 

Eagle, D.E., and Mueller, C.W. (2022). “Reproducing inequality in a formally anti-racist organization: The case of racialized career pathways in the United Methodist Church.” American Journal of Sociology, 127(5): 1507–1550. 

Johnston, E.F., Eagle, D.E., Corneli, A.L., Perry, B., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2022). “Seminary students and physical health: beliefs, behaviors, and barriers.” Journal of Religion and Health, 61: 1207–1225. 

Hybels, C.F., Blazer, D.G., Eagle, D.E., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2022). “Age differences in trajectories of depressive, anxiety and burnout symptoms in a population with a high likelihood of persistent occupational distress.” International Psychogeriatrics, 34:21–32.

Chaves, M., Roso, J., and Holleman, A. (2022). “The National Survey of Religious Leaders: Background, Methods, and Lessons Learned in the Research Process.” Journal for Scientific Study of Religion, 61(3-4):737-749.

Holleman, A., Roso, J., and Chaves, M. (2022). “Religious Congregations’ Technological and Financial Capacities on the Eve of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Review of Religious Research, 64(1):163-188.

Tice, L.C., Eagle, D.E., Rash, J.A., Larkins, J.S., Labrecque, S.M., Platt, A., Yao, J., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2021). “The Selah study protocol of three interventions to manage stress among clergy: a preference-based randomized waitlist-control trial.” Trials, 22, 892. 

Eagle, D.E., Johnston E.F., Headley, J., and Holleman, A. (2021). “The financial impacts of COVID-19 on United Methodist Churches in North Carolina: a qualitative study of pastors’ perspectives and strategies.” Review of Religious Research

Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Stringfield, B., Yao, J., Choi, J., Eagle, D.E., Hybels, C., Parnell, H., Keefe, K., and Shilling, S. (2021). “Changes in Sabbath-keeping and mental health over time: evaluation findings from the Sabbath Living study.” Journal of Psychology and Theology

Johnston, E.F., Eagle, D.E., Headley, J., and Holleman, A. (2021). “Pastoral ministry in unsettled times: a qualitative study of the experiences of clergy during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Review of Religious Research

Hamm, A. and Eagle, D.E. (2021). “Clergy who leave pastoral ministry: a review of the literature.” Journal of Psychology and Theology.  

Eagle, D.E., Rash, J., Tice, L., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2021). “Evaluation of a remote, internet-delivered version of the Trier Social Stress Test.” International Journal of Psychophysiology, 165: 137–144. 

Lutz, J.R. and Eagle, D.E.* (2019). “Social networks, support, and depressive symptoms: Gender differences among clergy.” Socius.

Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Steinberg, D.R., Yao, J., Eagle, D.E., Smith, T.W., Cai, G., & Turner, E.L. (2018). “Using a holistic health approach to achieve long-term weight maintenance: Results from the Spirited Life intervention.” Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(1):223-233.

Eagle, D.E., & Hybels, C.F. (2018). “Perceived social support, received social support, and depression among clergy.”  The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(7): 2055–2073. 


Johnston, E.F. (2023). "'You are not the Body': (Re)Interpreting the Body in and through Integral Yoga." In Interpreting the Body: Between Meaning and Materiality, edited by Anne Marie Champagne and Asia Friedman. Bristol University Press.

Book Chapters

Eagle, D.E. (2019). “The growth of the megachurch.” In Hunt, S.J. (Ed.), Handbook of Megachurches (pp. 43–67). Brill.

Book Reviews

Eagle, D.E. (2022). “Beyond Profession: The Next Future of Theological Education by Dan Aleshire.” Book review. Practical Theology. 

Gaghan, J. (2022). Review of 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America by Ryan P. Burge, 2022: Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN.

Holleman, A. (2022). Review of Stuck: Why Clergy are Alienated from Their Calling, Congregation, and Career… and What to Do About It, by Todd Ferguson and Josh Packard. Review of Religious Research 64:1017–1019.

Reports and Popular Writing

Gaghan, J. and Eagle, D. (2023). Are women elders paid less than men? A brief report from the North Carolina Statewide Longitudinal Survey of United Methodist Clergy.

Holleman, M. and Holleman, A. "Embracing the Unknown: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Collaboration." Friends Journal.

Eagle, D.; Jumper, N., Mischke, K., Headley, J., Johnston, E., Holleman, A. and Gaghan, J. 2023. “Hybrid M.Div. Students at Duke Divinity School, 2021/22.” Report: Seminary to Early Ministry Study.

Eagle, D.E. and Mueller, C.W. (2022). “Unequal careers of Black and White pastors in the United Methodist Church in North and South Carolina.” Report. Clergy Health Initiative.

Eagle, D.E., Gaghan, J., and Johnston. E.F. (2022). “Field Education: Student experiences and reflections.” Report. Seminary to Early Ministry Study.