The Seminary to Early Ministry (SEM) Study
2019 - Ongoing
Project status: In Progress
How will divinity school impact students? We know surprisingly little about this topic, and so the SEM Study – the first ever long-term study of divinity school students – was born.
This study uses surveys, in-depth interviews, ethnography, and biometric data to track who comes to seminary, what changes happen during their program, and what factors predict flourishing in ministry.
Through these rich data, we hope to paint a comprehensive picture of the student seminary experience
Josh Gaghan, M.T.S., Research Analyst
Kathleen Sellers, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate
Laura Hamrick, M.Div., Clergy Engagement Specialist
Whitney Carr, M.A., Communications + Engagement Coordinator
Fatimah Salleh, Ph.D., M.Div., Education Specialist
David Eagle, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Erin Johnston, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate
Erin Lane, M.T.S., Director of Research Translation
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Currently Recruiting, CHI, David Eagle, Ph.D., RaSCL, SEM Study, Seminary Students